Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing #2-Blogging

I think I'm on a roll. I've made a few posts, successfully loaded a picture to my profile and I still have my sanity. Although it did take about three hours. This will more than likely change come next Wednesday. 2.0 is sure to open many doors for me. For one thing, I won't feel so absolutely lost when people around me talk2.0 lingo. Gary might finally be able to understand me when I ask him a "tech" question, it's usually in my own language. I get the names of the cords, databases and equipment all mixed up.

Being able to relate to the patrons and the projects they're working on will be a big start. It would be a lot of fun to set-up a book club and everyone talks about the book via blogging.


Kim said...

Great idea! Although when our book group meets, there is usually wine involved. Maybe we could just raise a virtual glass?! ;-) Kim

kathleen benning said...

I'm impressed, way to go! I now see I have a long way to go to get this looking better. I also like Jim Brickman, I have one of his Christmas CD's.

ann said...

I'm glad that you figured out how to post your avatar. I have been experminting this evening and just can't get my avatar to download.

MyraG said...

How to set your blog TITLE to show:
*Go to your blog
*Click sign in (the upper left)
*Go to your Dashboard
*Go to Layout on your blog
*Go to Settings
*Go to Formatting
*8th item down is Yes/No to show Title field
*Click Yes

MyraG said...

Oo-o-oh...I want to be there, too. Nice job adding the picture!

You are getting so good! This week's class will be fun -- working with photos and image generators.