Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Go Clerks!

Here we go Myra, keep as much of your hair as possible while working with us.


clerks a rockin said...

Why can't i see who Daisy is? Where am i suppose to be looking? Lynn Hogan

jenn said...

It's a mystery. I'll give you a hint. I always arrive a few minutes late because I have to drive further than anyone else. I did have Fermina as my name since I just read Love in the Time of Cholera, but it sounded cheesy!! I might change my name often.

Lisa C said...

Ha! Myra has her hands full working with me!

clerks a rockin said...

Hi Jennifer, I saw Gary here this morning. I am so impressed you already have your Avatar up!

jenn said...

It took me forever to figure it out. My arm is aching from spending so much time on the mouse and scrolling. All of that for just one picture and a few blogs. Aargh!

clerks a rockin said...

Jennifer how did you get your avatar on the page? I have mine saved, even found the export page but it doesn't show up?

MyraG said...

My email directions should give you an ideas of the steps to get your avatar on your page. If they are ridiculously unclear, let me know. I'll make another attempt at giving a step-by-step.

Wow, Jenn, look at you go, girl! Already set up and doing your homework!

MyraG said...

I really like this blog template!

Kim said...

Your Avatar totally resembles you, well done! Kim

jenn said...

Though I do like a real picture like Linda's. I'll get there next class. Clerks a rockin, did you figure out the Avatar thing?